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теперь награжден. как здорово

Настоящим уведомляем Вас, что Вы были награждены сумму $ 350,000 долларов США. 350000 долларах США в 2011 году, по крайней Войти онлайн награды promo.Logon Интернет собирает все адреса электронной почты людей, которые активны в Интернете. Шесть человек были отобраны, чтобы воспользоваться преимуществами этой программы финансовой помощи и вы один из бенефициаров.

 ОПЛАТА и утвердить эту сумму

 Бенефициары будут выплачены в соответствии с руководящими принципами для оплаты. Войти онлайн фонд помощи должны быть заявлены не позднее чем через 20 дней со дня этого уведомления. Любая премия не утверждал в течение этого срока будут возвращены в казначейство информации BALL.The власть над падения месторасположение файла Нигерии и вам следует обратиться в отдел претензий и отправить их в свой фонд

 Идентификационные номера [КНЦ] Контактная информация фонд ПРЕТЕНЗИИ ОТДЕЛ Вход рекламных наград.

 Имя: Rev, Дэвид Грин.
 Электронная почта: logononlineawardspromo@yahoo.ca
 Тел: +23480122015098

 Он будет немедленно начать процесс, который будет способствовать освобождению вашего фонда для Вас. Заполните форму для получения дополнительной информации по освобождению вашего фонда.

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I humbly crave your indulgence in sending you this mail, if the contents do not meet with your personal and business ethics, I apologize in advance. This is by virtue

of its nature as being utterly "CONFIDENTIAL". Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and worried, I am assuring you that

all will be well at the end of the day.

I have decided to contact you due to the urgency of this transaction, as I have been reliably informed of your discreteness and ability in transaction of this nature.

Let me start first by introducing myself properly to you.

I am Mr.Davis Adams, of Dept of Bill and Exchange with Barclays Bank in the United Kingdom. I need your consent to handle this transaction because it entails a large

amount of funds (16.5 Million GBP) deposited by a deceased customer in our bank who died long time ago but has an open beneficiary mandate on his file though, there

has not been anyone from his family to make claim of this funds.


I wish to know if we can work together. I would like you to stand as next of kin to my deceased client, who was among the people that lost their life in Kenya air

crash in 2003, with the wife, children and entire generation.



He made some deposits to my bank, and died without any registered next of kin and as such the funds now have an open beneficiary mandate. Click on the link and see the

details because this link gives a very comprehensive picture of what I'm saying. If you are interested do let me know so that I can give you comprehensive details on

what we are to do.

I urgently hope to get your response.

Best regards,
Mr.Davis Adams


UNITED KINGDOM NATIONAL E-MAIL LOTTERY BALLOT AWARDS 2011. Your email address has won £500,000.00 !!!!(Five hundred thousand British Pounds Sterling) Attached to Batch Number: Lwh 27 522 465 896 6453 with Serial number Lwh 3/772/554 drew the lucky numbers.. NO TICKETS WERE SOLD.This amount will be released to you through our United Kingdom payment office in London, England. For security reasons,your winning information is not disclosed in this notification. CONTACT: DR WILLIAMS CLARKE for detail and payment EMAIL:uklottopromo011@gmail.com EMAIL:williamsclarke75@yahoo.com Tel :+44703187764 By filling this form below and send it to him to file for your claim . Indicating your, 1,NAME........................
7,PHONE NUMBER.....................



Engr Eric Burns
Online coordinator


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